Daily Barks

First and Foremost, SEE THE BALL!

A baseball thrown by a pitcher to a batter certainly is “visible”.  But seeing it well and reacting to it effectively, having a clear mind, so as to keep it from being “invisible” – which is a hitter’s objective – is certainly one of there most formidable tasks in the sport.

Hitter’s take for granted that they see the ball, but they don’t make the distinction between a casual, fuzzy focus and one that is intense and sharp.

– H.A. Doffman

Emotional vs. Rational

Players make choices, often without realizing they’re doing so.  To allow a poor approach to be repeated over and over again – one which greatly inhibits effective performance – is to make a choice, whether it is a conscious one or an unconscious one.

For example, a hitter who is confused and frustrated beings the response to her at-bats.  She chooses to dwell on the problem, rather than the solution.  Self-pity or anger leads to a loss of confidence.  Loss of confidence further distracts her.  Her distraction gets in the way of her ability to see the ball well.

The player’s choice has been to operate out of her emotional system instead of her rational system.  It’s understandable, but unacceptable, nevertheless.

– H.A. Dorfman


Batting Average Analysis


    • Hitting with 2 strikes is hard to do.


    • Find a way to stay out of 2 strike counts as much as possible.


    • The best way to accomplish that is to hit one of the strikes early in the count.


    • To do that, the hitter needs to step into the box with a plan, looking to hit the first fastball strike they see. The pressure to decide if they are going to swing is eliminated, the focus is on seeing the ball, making it be a fastball strike, and putting a good swing on it.


    • When you take that first pitch fastball strike, you start to put the pitcher in control of your at bat.


    • There is nothing less dangerous on a baseball field than a hitter who doesn’t swing the bat.


Remember hitting is about approach, mentally and then mechanics.  If you have the right approach and the confidence will come.  Often times, the right approach cleans up mechanics.

-Steve Springer


1. Walk up to the plate with confidence

2. Have attainable goal to hit the ball hard

3. Attack the inside part of the pitch you’re looking for

4. Help your team win

– Steve Springer

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Finding ways to win

Losers assemble in small groups and complain about the coaches and other players. Winners assemble as a team and find ways to win.